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How to sign up your child for a school meal?

1) Please download REGISTRATION FORM prepared for you to fill in in electronic form.

You can send it to us by e-mail or submit it by hand. It must contain your personal details and contact information. You can also specify any important information regarding your child’s dietary needs: allergies, vegetarian diet or other diet


2) Below you'll find two documents that you can read. By signing the text of the Registration Form, you consent to the processing of your and your child's personal data  and accept the following conditions for the provision of catering services:

- Conditions for the provision of catering services and the current price list for the school year 2024/2025-> DOWNLOAD
- The full text of the consent to the processing of personal data ->DOWNLOAD

3) Filled Registration Form you can:

If you want us to stop provide lunch:
you need to inform our company by e-mail. Otherwise lunch will be provided for your child and you will be charged for it.

Payment system:
Payment: in advance, by bank transfer, after registration. Payment should be made before every term start (Trimester I, II and III).
Payment delay can be the cause of break in lunch providing.

Bank transfer details:

Art'Impression Catering Sp. z o.o.
Powsińska 69/71, 02-903 Warszawa

Bank account: Bank Millennium S.A. PL39 1160 2202 0000 0002 7155 0244
SWIFT Code of Bank Millennium S.A.: BIGBPLPWXXX

Please add the following information to your transfer:
child’s name and surname, class and term which are you paying for.

Upon your request we can issue a VAT invoice.

Current due amount can be reduced in case of child’s absence, however, you need to inform Art’Impression Catering about their absence by e-mail by 8:30 a.m.

Informing the School Office or a teacher is insufficient for the due amount to be reduced.

For more information:
e-mail: tbs2@ai-cateringwarszawa.pl
phone: +48 603817107

We process personal data in accordance with the "Information on processing of personal data": Download



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